Engines of Change: Forces that are Reshaping the State University.


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Engines of Change: Forces that are Reshaping the State University.

Since it was created in 1948, State University has been reshaped by a Variety of Societal Forces.

The Joker in the Deck: Politics

Comparable forces seem to be acting on SUNY today.

Engine #1: Access As a recent report put it, ìThe baby boom echo: no end in sight.î

Reasons for concern

Stress Point - Finding a cheap solution!

Is distance learning the solution?

Engine #2:The information /communications revolution

ìThe history of the university suggests that every once in a while, the pecking order changes. That change is led by external forces as well as internal forces. One could argue that weíre at a turning point now. Those universities that figure out what this age means and how to adapt to it have a very strong future ahead of them.î Ann Kirschner

Merging of vocational and liberal arts education.

Engine #3: Instructional Technology

A. Mooreís Law

B. Societal Expectations

Why have colleges joined the rush?

Stress Point: Technical Support Staff.

Engine #4: Changing faculty roles

Stress point: Young Faculty Extraordinary demands are placed on young faculty.

A look into the crystal ball! Access may become a key political issue. Accountability will be pursued more intensely (with more emphasis on testing).

An economic downturn in the state would both decrease available funds as well as further increase enrollment.

The University is becoming a more complicated place. Everything from the student body to teaching methods is becoming more diverse.

The real challenge for us is to balance continuity and change. Can we find room for both Plato and Dolly (the clone)?

Author: H.E.Pence