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ARTH 109

Early Greek Art: from Geometric - Archaic

Slide List 6


 Map of Egypt  Map of Greece.


 Dipylon Krater (Geometric style), from the Dipylon Cemetary, Athens, 8th c. B.C.  Dipylon Amphora (Geometric style), Athens, c. 750 B.C.


 Statuette of Horse, 8th c. B.C. (Geometric).  Detail of Dipylon Krater (Prothesis).


 Eleusis Amphora with Odysseus Blinding Polyphemos (Orientalizing), middle of the 7th c. B.C.  Detail of Orientalizing vase.

   Bronze Griffin, 7th c., Orientalizing.


 Metropolitan Kouros, Early Archaic, c. 615- 590 B.C.  Ranofer, Egyptian, Old Kingdom, c. 2500 B.C.


 Detail of the head of Ranofer.  Details of the head of the Metropolitan Kouros.

   Kouros from Tenea, Middle Archaic, c. 575-50 B.C.

 Kroisos (Kouros from Anavysos), c. 540-515 B.C., marble. 360 degree view of Kroisos.  


Kouros (pl. Kouroi)- an Archaic Greek statue of a standing nude youth. The Archaic Greek statues of clothed maidens are known as "korai" (sing.- kore).

Archetype- a model or first form; the original pattern or model after which a thing is made. Adj.- archetypal.

Map of Ancient Athens

Supplementary Webpage

Greeks and the Other

Questions for Review


 Metropolitan Kouros, c. 615-590 B.C.  Ranofer, Egyptian, Old Kingdom, c. 2500 B.C.

Many art historians feel that knowledge of Egyptian sculpture was critical to the beginnings of Greek monumental sculpture. Support this claim by an analysis of the styles of these two works. It is also true that the Egyptian work presents a more striking likeness of an individual. Explain this difference in relationship to the different functions of the two statues.


 Metropolitan Kouros, c. 615-590 B.C.  Kroisos (Kouros from Anavysos), c. 540-515 B.C.

Define and explain the similarities and the dissimilarities of these two works.

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