CSCI 310 Functional Programming Project



In this project you will practice programming from a functional point of view.  You are to develop the following programs in Common Lisp (which should be installed in Fitzelle 252/254 or is available as CLisp from SourceForge).  You should load your programs from a file, and use dribble to capture the output from the debug window to another file.  You should turn in your program file and your output file by zipping them up together and emailing me the zip file as an attachment with a subject line of CSCI 310 Functional Programming Assignment.  Be sure to include comments in your program file (include at least a header block with your name, the date, class, etc), and include any supporting functions you wrote as well.  For this assignment, you are allowed to use car, cdr, cons, cond, defun, mapcar, load, append, listp, print, format, trace, eq, equal, null, zerop, atom and list.  Anything else you need, you should include code for in your program file unless you get it approved by me.


1.     To get things going, write a function, hlbackwards, that takes a list of s-expressions as input, and returns a list in which the order of the elements of the list is reversed.  Note that this function should only work on the elements of the list and not of any sublists!  Here is a sample execution:


% (hlbackwards (quote (a (b c) ((d e (f) g) h i))))

(((d e (f) g) h i) (b c) a)


2.     To continue warming up, write a function, llbackwards, that takes a list of s-expressions as input, and returns a list in which the elements of every list and sublist are in reverse order.  Here is a sample execution:


% (llbackwards (quote (a (b c) ((d e (f)) g) h i)))

((i h (g ((f) e d)) (c b) a)



3.     Write a function, palindrome, that takes a list as input and returns T if the list is a palindrome, ie reads the same in both directions.  If it is not, it takes the input and converts it into a palindrome by reversing the input and appending it to itself, without duplicating the last element, and returns that list.  Here is a sample run:


% (palindrome (quote (a b c (b) a)))

(a b c (b) a (b) c b a)

% (palindrome (quote (a (b c (d)) ((d) c b) a)))



4.     Write a function, ionah, that takes a single number as input and prints out the solution to the inverted disk  problem for that many disks.  This is the problem of moving a stack of k disks of increasing size from bottom to top, from the first peg to the third peg with another peg that may be used as well, subject to the condition that a smaller disk is never put on top of a larger one, and only one disk may be moved at a time.  Here is a sample run:


% (ionah 3)

move disk from peg 1 to peg 3

move disk from peg 1 to peg 2

move disk from peg 3 to peg 2

move disk from peg 1 to peg 3

move disk from peg 2 to peg 1

move disk from peg 2 to peg 3

move disk from peg 1 to peg 3



5.     Write a function, sequence, that takes a single integer as input and prints out a list containing that many terms of the the sequence defined by:



Here is a sample execution:


% (mysequence 7)

(0 1 2 5 12 29 70)


6.     Write a function, permutations, that takes a list as input and generates a list containing all possible permutations of the list elements.  Here is a sample application:


% (permutations (quote (1 2 3)))

((1 2 3) (1 3 2) (2 1 3) (2 3 1) (3 1 2) (3 2 1))


7.     Write a program to argue with yourself.  Your program should take statements that are typed in as a list and change the pronouns and negate the verbs.  For instance, you should change to I, are should change to am not, and so on.  Here is a possible sample session:


% (argue (quote (you are a stupid computer)))

(I am not a stupid computer)

% (argue (quote (you are)))

(I am not)

% (argue (quote (are)))

(am not)

% (argue (quote (I am a smart human)))

(you are not a smart human)

% (argue (quote (your mother does wear army boots)))

(my mother does not wear army boots))

% (argue (quote (you are argumentative)))

(I am not argumentative)



Notice that bad things can happen if the input is not chosen carefully (for instance, you are too becomes I am not too).  Try to cover as many standard English patterns as you can to minimize the cases in which nonsense is returned.


8.     Write a program bubblesort that takes a list of numbers and returns the list in sorted order.  For example:


% (bubblesort (quote (1 4 2 8 5 7)))

(1 2 4 5 7 8)