CSCI 216 Fall 2015

Project #4


Date Due:  6 November 2015


Purpose: To practice overloading operators.


Program objective:  This program will take the fraction  library implemented in the last program using classes, and modify those classes to use overloaded operators instead of functions add, sub, mul, div, read, and print..


Instructions:  You are to rewrite your program for the last project and instead of using functions add, sub, mul and div, you should overload +, -, *, and /.  You should also overload >> and << instead of using the functions read and print.  For extra credit, you can overload the comparison operators that make sense to overload as well.  Again, run your program with the same test data as before, but this time use your overloaded functions instead of the named ones from the previous project.


As always, good luck and have fun!