CSCI 216 Spring 2015

Project #3


Date Due:  30 October 2015


Purpose: To reimplement the fraction program using classes.


Program objective:  This program will implement the fraction library as a fraction class.  In addition, it will use the fraction class to build a reverse polish notation fraction calculator.



Instructions:  You are to take the program you wrote for project 2 and re-implement it using classes this time instead of structures and functions.  You should have a fraction class which has a numerator and denominator as private ints, and functions to add, subtract, multiply, divide, print, and read as public member functions, along with constructors and a destructor.  You should test this class using the same main program that you used for project 2, and changing all the references to structures and functions to be references to objects and member functions.


Don’t forget to append your sample output to the end of your code as comments.


This is part 1.  AFTER you have implemented your fraction class, you now need to create a calculator class.  THIS class should have four fraction registers in it, x, y, z, and r, that act as a stack.  If you type in a fraction and hit enter, that fraction should go into the x register, what is in the x register should move to the y register, what’s in the y register should move to the z register , what’s in the z register should move to the r register, and what’s in the r register is lost.


You should implement the for arithmetic operations +, -, *, and /, which should take the fractions in the x and y registers and compute y+x, y-x, y*x or y/x, and then put the results back into the x register.  What was in the z register should move to the y register, what was in the r register should move to the z register and also stay in the r register.


You should have a function that prints the register stack, an instruction that clears the x register, an instruction that clears all the registers, and a circulate instruction that rotates the registers so that what is in y goes to x, what is in z goes to y, what is in r goes to z, and what is in x goes to r.  Your instructions should look as follows:


Integer / nonzero integer ENTER

Fraction -> x -> y -> z -> r


+, -, *, /

y + x -> x, r -> z -> y

y – x -> x, r -> z -> y

y * x -> x, r -> z -> y

y / x -> x, r -> z -> y


C clears the x register

0 -> x; y, z, and r remain the same


E erases all the registers

0 -> x, 0 -> y, 0 -> z, 0 -> r


P prints the registers

contents of r, z, y, and x are printed in that order, one per line

values in x, y, z, and r are unchanged


R rotates the registers

r -> z -> y -> x -> r


X exits the program


You should write a new main program that sits in a loop waiting for input from the user.  If the input is one of the above, perform the action, ask for the next input, and wait.  If the input is not a legal input, print an error, ask for the next input, and wait.


Good luck and have fun!