CSCI 216 Programming Project #2


Date Due: 7 October 2015


For this project you are to implement a fraction library that does exact fraction calculations.  You should set up a structure named fraction that contains two integers, one for the numerator and one for the denominator.  You should implement functions to set a fraction to a default value, to add, subtract, multiply and divide two fractions and return a fraction, to read a fraction, print a fraction, reduce a fraction, and find the gcd of two integers.  Your program should work with the sample main program provided below.  Here are prototypes for the functions you need to write:


void init(fraction x);                          // set fraction to 0

void init(fraction x, int n);                // set fraction to n/1

void init(fraction x, int a, int b);       // set fraction to a/b

fraction add(fraction a, fraction b);                        // adds a and b and returns the sum (a and b unchanged)

fraction sub(fraction a, fraction b);                        // subtracts a and b and returns difference

fraction mul(fraction a, fraction b);                        // multiplies a and b and returns the product

fraction div(fraction a, fraction b);             // divides a and b and returns the quotient

void print(fraction x);                                    // prints the fraction (no improper fractions)

void read(fraction x);                                    // reads fraction 3 / 5 into x

void reduce(fraction x);                               // simplifies x to lowest common terms

int gcd(int a, int b);                                       // finds greatest common divisor of a and b



You should make a .h file that has these prototypes and the structure definition in it.  Don’t forget our trick to make sure it is only included once.


You should also make a .cpp file with the implementations of all these functions.


Finally I will give you a main.cpp file that you are to include to actually test and use your fraction implementation.