CSCI 116

Project #3: Biggest and Smallest



Purpose: To use some selection statements to find the biggest and smallest of a list of numbers.


Program objective:  Your program is to read a 10 numbers from the keyboard and to print out the biggest and smallest of them.


Instructions:  Write a program that asks the user to enter 10 numbers.  It should read the 10 numbers in, and the print out the biggest and the smallest numbers read.  After printing out the results, your program should exit normally.  Your program can use if statements, but should not use loops or arrays.  Here is some sample output:


Enter 10 numbers: 1 10 100 20 50 77 95 145 86 32

The smallest number was 1 and the largest number was 145

Press any key to continue


To find the largest number, let’s think about reading them in one at a time.  The first number read is the largest number seen so far, since it’s the ONLY number seen so far.  Now, every time we get a new number we can compare it to the current largest number.  If it is bigger, it becomes the new largest number—otherwise, the previous largest number is still the biggest.  We do that until we have seen the last number, and at that point the biggest number is the largest of all of them.  We do a similar process for the smallest number.


That should about cover it…have fun!