CSCI 116

Project #10: Dynamic Memory Allocation


Purpose: To experiment with pointers and dynamically allocated arrays.


Assignment:  You are to write a program that will get a file name from the command line.  You should then open the file and count the number of numbers in the file (there will be one per line).  You should allocate a dynamic array that is big enough to hold all the numbers, and then read the numbers into the array.  After finishing reading the numbers in and closing the file, you should use linear search to look up numbers for the user.   If the user enters a negative number, your program should exit.  Here are some sample data files: data1.txt, data2.txt, and data3.txt Here is some sample output:


(for filename data1.txt)

Allocated an array of 10000 numbers to hold the data

Data read in from the file

Enter a number to search for:  15046

15046 is in the file

Enter another number to search for (<0 to exit): 2

2 is not in the file

Enter another number to search for (<0 to exit): -1

Press any key to continue…